2020 Division Memoranda

DateMemo NoTitleOfficeFile
Memo Date HiddenDM NoTitleOffice csvFilterFile Link
12/21/2020DM 441 S 2020Two-Day Endyear Resiliency, Psychosocial and Stress Management SeminarSGODOPEN
12/16/2020DM 440 S 2020Corregindum to Division Memorandum No. 406, s. 2020: Face to face Quality Assurance of K to 12 Self-Learning Modules (SLMs) Intended for Quarters 3 and 4 of SY 2020-2021CIDOPEN
12/16/2020DM 439 S 2020Postponement of Division Re-Orientation and Updates of RA 8525 "Adopt a School Act" (Div. Memo No. 419, s. 2020SGODOPEN
12/14/2020DM 438 S 2020Turn-Over of Donations from Groiler International Inc.SGODOPEN
12/14/2020DM 437 S 2020Crafting of School's Annual Improvement Plan (AIP) Year 3SGODOPEN
12/14/2020DM 436 S 2020Monitoring of School-Based In-Service Training (INSET)SGODOPEN
12/14/2020DM 435 S 2020Division Qualifier for the Search for 2019 DepEd RO 7 Pasidungog AwardeesSGODOPEN
12/10/2020DM 434 S 2020Online Training on Alternative Learning System (ALS) Team TeachingCIDOPEN
12/9/2020DM 433 S 2020Implementation of the School-Based Feding Program for School Year 2020-2021SGODOPEN
12/9/2020DM 432 S 2020Extension of SBFP Milk and Nutritious Food Products Implementation Using FY 2019 and FY 2020SGODOPEN
12/9/2020DM 431 S 2020Additional Provisions and Amendments to Deped Order 036, s. 2019 (Guidelines on the Implementation of school-Based Feeding Program - Milk Feeding Component)SGODOPEN
12/9/2020DM 430 S 2020Supplemental Guidelines to DepEd Order Nos. 22 and 23, s. 2020 (Implementation of the School-Based Feeding Program)SGODOPEN
12/9/2020DM 429 S 2020Milk Feeding Program ImplementationSGODOPEN
12/9/2020DM 428 S 2020Dry Run of the Regional Alternative Learning System (ALS) Accreditation and Equivalency (A & E) Computer-Based Mock Test AssessmentCIDOPEN
12/9/2020DM 427 S 2020Regional Training of Trainers (RTOT) of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Assessment FormsCIDOPEN
12/9/2020DM 426 S 2020Division Training of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Portfolio Assessment FormsCIDOPEN
12/9/2020DM 425 S 2020Election of Provincial GPTA Federation Officers for SY 2020-2021SGODOPEN
12/9/2020DM 424 S 2020Submission of Personnel Benefit Claims for CY 2020ADMINOPEN
12/9/2020DM 423 S 2020Regional Online Training on Literacy InstructionCIDOPEN
12/7/2020DM 422 S 2020Virtual Orientation on the Alternative Learning System (ALS) Accreditation and Equivalency (A & E) Computer-Based Mock TestCIDOPEN
12/7/2020DM 421 S 2020Corrigendum and Addendum to division Memorandum No. 404, s. 2020 entitled "Editing of Video Lessons in Kindergarten, MTB 1 and Math 1 for Weeks one (1) to Ten (10) of Quarter 2, SY 2020-2021"CIDOPEN
12/3/2020DM 420 S 2020Three Day Division Writeshop in the Continuation of Learning Modules in MapehCIDOPEN
12/2/2020DM 419 S 2020Division Re-Orientation and Updates of RA 8525 "Adopt a School Act"SGODOPEN
12/2/2020DM 418 S 2020Division Virtual Training of Trainers for the Project TextblastSGODOPEN
12/2/2020DM 417 S 2020Distribution of Book Paper and Computer InkSUPPLYOPEN
12/2/2020DM 416 S 2020Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 402, s. 2020 Virtual Research Summit of Completed ResearchesSGODOPEN
12/2/2020DM 415 S 2020Division Executive ConferenceOSDSOPEN
12/2/2020DM 414 S 2020Submission of USB Flash Drive for Instructional Videos in High SchoolCIDOPEN
12/2/2020DM 413 S 2020Composition of the Division Professional Development Committee (PDC) and the Corresponding Roles and ResponsibilitiesOASDSOPEN
12/2/2020DM 412 S 2020Additional Personnel to Serve as Program Management Team for the Learning and Development Team Training at E.I. Suites for December 1-4, 2020SGODOPEN
12/2/2020DM 411 S 2020Designation of Engr. Jesus P. zamora, as Officer-in-Charge of DOST-7SGODOPEN
12/1/2020DM 410 S 2020Corrigendum and Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 402, s. 2020 Virtual Research Summit of Completed ResearchesSGODOPEN
11/26/2020DM 409 S 2020Instabright Publication of Educational ArticlesSGODOPEN
11/26/2020DM 408 S 2020Learning and Development (L & D) Capacity Building and Workshop for School Learning and Development Team Members and Division Program Implementers in Preparation for the School-Based In-Service TrainingCIDOPEN
11/26/2020DM 407 S 2020Youth Formation Division (YFD) Year-End Planning and Review and Youth Formation Coordinators General AssemblySGODOPEN
11/26/2020DM 406 S 2020Face to face Quality Assurance of K to 12 Self-Learning Modules (SLMs) Intended for Quarters 3 and 4 of SY 2020-2021CIDOPEN
11/26/2020DM 405 S 2020International Family Conference Entitled "Jesus-Centered Life"SGODOPEN
11/25/2020DM 404 S 2020Editing of Video Lessons in Kindergarten, MTB 1 and Math 1 for Weeks one (1) to Ten (10) of Quarter 2, SY 2020-2021CIDOPEN
11/25/2020DM 403 S 2020Start-up Program of International Youth Fellowship (IYF) PhilippinesSGODOPEN
11/25/2020DM 402 S 2020Virtual Research Summit of Completed ResearchesSGODOPEN
11/25/2020DM 401 S 2020Conduct of Division Progress Monitoring for Learning Delivery Modality (LDM) Course 1 & 2 for School Heads and Teachers and Validation by Eductaion Program Supervisors (EPSVRs) and Public Schools District SupervisorsCIDOPEN
11/25/2020DM 400 S 2020Quality Assurance (QA) of Instructional Videos for Junior and Senior High School StudentsCIDOPEN
11/24/2020DM 399 S 2020Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 395, s. 2020 entitled "Joint Delivery Voucher Program Orientation and Technology & Livelihood Education Review"SGODOPEN
11/23/2020DM 398 S 2020Knowledge Level Survey of Financial Literacy for DepEd PersonnelSGODOPEN
11/18/2020DM 397 S 2020Promotion of the 16th National Biotechnology WeekSGODOPEN
11/18/2020DM 396 S 2020Submission of School Forms 1.4 and 1.2 for the Preparation of 2019 Performance Based BunosADMINOPEN
11/18/2020DM 395 S 2020Joint Delivery Voucher Program Orientation and Technology & Livelihood Education ReviewCIDOPEN
11/18/2020DM 394 S 20202020 Webinar Series on the Invent School Program for High School StudentsCIDOPEN
11/18/2020DM 393 S 2020DOST-SEI's Courseware for Teaching and Learning Science and Mathematics in the New NormalCIDOPEN
11/18/2020DM 392 S 2020Production of Instructional and Educational Videos for Local TV ProgramCIDOPEN
11/17/2020DM 391 S 2020Report on the Utilization of Video-Aided Lessons in Kindergarten and Grades 1 Mathematics and MTBCIDOPEN
11/17/2020DM 390 S 2020Corrigendum and Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 374, s. 2020 in Relation to Production of Instructional Videos in Selected Subjects in Secondary LevelCIDOPEN
11/16/2020DM 389 S 2020Composition of Anti-Red Tape Focal PersonsADMINOPEN
11/16/2020DM 388 S 2020Donation Drive for DepEd Teaching and Non-Teaching Personnel of DepEd Region VADMINOPEN
11/13/2020DM 387 S 20202nd National Convention of TLE and TVL EducatorsCIDOPEN
11/12/2020DM 386 S 20202020 PSHSS Race Thruoghout DepEd Region 7CIDOPEN
11/12/2020DM 385 S 20202020 Philippine Science High School System - National Competitive Examination (PSHS-NCE) and Scholarship to Public / Private Grade 6 PupilsCIDOPEN
11/12/2020DM 384 S 2020Orientation on the Crafting of Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) and Preparation of Work and Financial Plan (WFP) for CY 2021SGODOPEN
11/12/2020DM 383 S 2020Adolescent Health and Development Program (AHDP) Training Integration Workshop for Public and Private School Teachers Level I and Level IISGODOPEN
11/11/2020DM 382 S 20202020 National Students' Day CelebrationSGODOPEN
11/9/2020DM 381 S 2020Graduate and Udergraduate Professional Data of School Heads and TeachersSGODOPEN
11/9/2020DM 380 S 2020Division Orientation on Evaluation Tools for Learning Delivery Modality (LDM) Course 2 for TeachersCIDOPEN
11/6/2020DM 379 S 2020New Normal Health Assessment Form for LearnersSGODOPEN
11/6/2020DM 378 S 2020MOOE Downloading Day for the Month of November and December 2020ACCOUNTINGOPEN
11/5/2020DM 377 S 2020Special Meeting with the Financial Staff in the Schools and Division Office CheckersACCOUNTINGOPEN
11/5/2020DM 376 S 2020Suggested Measures to Foster "Academic Ease" during the Covid-19 PandemicCIDOPEN
11/5/2020DM 375 S 2020Planning Conference of all Division/District Supervisors, Selected Secondary School Heads, and Selected Teachers for the Creation of Production Team for Local TV ProgramCIDOPEN
11/4/2020DM 374 S 2020Corrigendum to the Division Memorandum No. 341, s. 2020 entitled " Production of Instructional Videos in Selected Subjects in Secondary Level"CIDOPEN
10/30/2020DM 373 S 2020Guidelines on the Conduct of Inspection and Delivery of Goods in Areas Under Enhanced Community Quarantine, Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine, and General Community QuarantineSUPPLYOPEN
10/30/2020DM 372 S 2020Final Planning Conference and Submission of Session Guides and Slide Decks on the Teacher Induction Program ModulesSGODOPEN
10/30/2020DM 371 S 2020Schedule of Evaluation of Module (Theoritical) and Practicum Outputs and the Refined Evaluation Procedures and Tools for LDM 2 Instructional Coaches and TeachersSGODOPEN
10/29/2020DM 370 S 2020Utilization of Assessment Result and Feedback TemplateCIDOPEN
10/29/2020DM 369 S 2020Division Alternative Learning System (ALS) ImplementersCIDOPEN
10/27/2020DM 368 S 2020Preparations for and Conduct of Visits of the Office of the Undersecretary for AdministrationADMINOPEN
10/27/2020DM 367 S 2020Support for the Gulayan sa Paaralan ProgramCIDOPEN
10/27/2020DM 366 S 2020Accomplishment of Template Errors Found in the Self-learning Modules Distributed by the Division OfficeLRMDOPEN
10/26/2020DM 365 S 2020Guidelines on the Reconstruction of Inspectorate Team in the Department of Education Central Office, Regional and Schools Division and SchoolsSUPPLYOPEN
10/26/2020DM 364 S 2020Addendum to Division Memo 340 s, 2020: Virtual Teacher Induction Program for Newly-Hired TeachersSGODOPEN
10/26/2020DM 363 S 2020Participation of Junior and Senior High School Social Science Teachers to Core OrientationCIDOPEN
10/23/2020DM 362 S 2020SPSTEMC Adheres Bayanihan to heal as One Act IIOSDSOPEN
10/23/2020DM 361 S 2020WinS Monitoring and Evaluation ScheduleSGODOPEN
10/22/2020DM 360 S 2020Deadline of Submission of Documents for Pasigarbo 2020SGODOPEN
10/22/2020DM 359 S 2020Precautionary Guidelines on Online MeetingsSGODOPEN
10/22/2020DM 358 S 2020Division Meeting of School to School Partnership (SSP) ImplementationSGODOPEN
10/22/2020DM 357 S 2020Reminders on the Conduct of Elections of Parent-Teachers Associations (PTA's) at the School Level and their FederationsSGODOPEN
10/21/2020DM 356 S 2020Cluster Orientation of School Heads and Selected Teachers on DepEd Order No. 031 s. 2020 "Interim Guidelines for Assessment and Grading in Light of the Basic Education Learning Continuity PlanCIDOPEN
10/21/2020DM 355 S 2020Documentary Requirements on the Application of Additional Offerings in Senior High School (SHS) Programs both Public and Private SchoolsSGODOPEN
10/21/2020DM 354 S 2020Ammendment to DepEd Order No. 007, s. 2020 (School Calendar and Activities for School Year 2020-2021)CIDOPEN
10/21/2020DM 353 S 2020Sinapyan 2020: Across the GalaxxiCIDOPEN
10/20/2020DM 352 S 2020Corrigendum to Division Memorandum No. 333, s. 2020 entitled Weekly District School Readiness ReportingCIDOPEN
10/20/2020DM 351 S 2020Swiss IT Academy Inc. Online Training ProgramsICTUOPEN
10/19/2020DM 349 S 2020Orientation of the Opening of Accounts for MOOE Funds to SchoolsADMINOPEN
10/19/2020DM 348 S 2020Reiteration of Division Memorandum No. 120, s. 2020 entitled "Preventive Actions to Stop the Transmission and Spread of the NCov 19 VirusSGODOPEN
10/19/2020DM 347 S 2020Division Virtual Meeting of Public Schools District Supervisors and Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads on the Proposed Partnership with SDJ Software CorporationSGODOPEN
10/19/2020DM 346 S 2020Portfolio Assessment to All ALS Learners / Completers of SY 2019-2020 and Previous YearsCIDOPEN
10/16/2020DM 345 S 2020Turn-Over Ceremony of Computer Desktops from the Provincial Government of Siquijor to the Schools Division of SiquijorSGODOPEN
10/16/2020DM 344 S 2020Implementing Rules and Regulations on the Application for Course Recognition of Training with Corresponding Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Credit UnitSGODOPEN
10/16/2020DM 343 S 2020DepEd Error Watch InitiativeSGODOPEN
10/16/2020DM 342 S 2020Seameo Innotech's Online Version of the Southeast Asean School Leadership Program (Sea-SLP)SGODOPEN
10/15/2020DM 341 S 2020Production of Instructional Videos in Selected Subjects in Secondary LevelCIDOPEN
10/14/2020DM 340 S 2020Virtual Teacher Induction Program for Newly-Hired TeachersSGODOPEN
10/13/2020DM 339 S 2020Writeshop of Self-Learning Modules in Technology and Livelihood Education Subject - Batch 4CIDOPEN
10/12/2020DM 338 S 2020Re-Orientation on DO 43 s. 2020 Re: Guidelines on the Alternative Work Arrangements in the Department of Education in the Light of Covid-19 Stringent Social Distancing MeasuresSGODOPEN
10/12/2020DM 337 S 20202020 National Teachers' Month and National Teachers' Day/World Teachers' Day CelebrationSGODOPEN
10/9/2020DM 336 S 2020Final Editing of Videos for the Virtual "Handog" World Teachers' Day ConcertSGODOPEN
10/8/2020DM 335 S 2020Implementers Meeting on the Guidelines on the Implementation of School-Based Feeding Program for School Year 2020-2021SGODOPEN
10/8/2020DM 334 S 2020Extension of Quality Assurance of Self-Learning Modules in Mapeh for Second Quarter of SY 2020-2021CIDOPEN
10/8/2020DM 333 S 2020Weekly District School Readiness ReportingCIDOPEN
10/8/2020DM 332 S 2020Orientation of the Division Initiated Steps in Writing Innovation & Acceptability Tools and Site Development Plan Protocols in Building/Constructing of Educational Facilitites in SchoolsSGODOPEN
10/8/2020DM 331 S 2020Extension of Quality Assurance of Self-Learning Modules in Technology and Livelihood Education/Technical-Vocational and Livelihood Track for Quarter 2 SY 2020-2021CIDOPEN
10/2/2020DM 330 S 2020Quality Assurance (QA)of Video Lessons in Kindergarten, MTB 1 and Math 1 for Weeks Two (2) to Ten (10) of Quarter 1, SY 2020-2021LRMDOPEN
10/2/2020DM 329 S 2020Monitoring Tools to be Used by the RFTATS in Monitoring Schools and Schools DivisionsSGODOPEN
10/2/2020DM 328 S 2020Virtual Kickoff on the Opening of Classes for SY 2020-2021 with the Theme "Handang Isip, Handang Bukas"SGODOPEN
10/1/2020DM 327 S 2020Monitoring of Schools During the Opening of Classes of School Year 2020-2021SGODOPEN
10/1/2020DM 326 S 20202020 National Teachers' Month and World Teachers' Day CelebrationSGODOPEN
10/1/2020DM 325 S 2020Virtual Conference of Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) 2nd Batch Witers for School Year 2020-2021CIDOPEN
9/29/2020DM 322 S 20202020 Call for Research Papers on LiteracySGODOPEN
9/29/2020DM 321 S 2020Monitoring of Schools in the Implementation of Psychological First Aid (PFA), Mental Health Activities and School Readiness in the Opening of ClassesSGODOPEN
9/28/2020DM 320 S 2020Schedule of Reassignment of ADAS in the FieldACCOUNTINGOPEN
9/28/2020DM 319 S 202028th National Family Week CelebrationADMINOPEN
9/25/2020DM 318 S 2020Planning Conference on the Conduct of the Virtual World Teacher's Day CelebrationSGODOPEN
9/24/2020DM 317 S 2020Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 315, s. 2020 re: Virtual Launching of Television-Based InstructionSGODOPEN
9/24/2020DM 316 S 2020Quality Assurance of Video Lessons in Kindergarten, MTB 1 and Math 1CIDOPEN
9/21/2020DM 314 S 2020Profiling of Private Educational Institutions (PPE) in Region VII Offering Basic EducationSGODOPEN
9/21/2020DM 313 S 2020Submission of Accurate Data on Weekly Readiness Report in Line with the Preparation of the Schools for the Opening of Classes for School Year 2020-2021CIDOPEN
9/18/2020DM 312 S 2020Division-Based Evaluation Tool & Criteria for Project InnovationOASDSOPEN
9/18/2020DM 311 S 2020Online Orientation Course (SOC) for Private SchoolsSGODOPEN
9/16/2020DM 310 S 2020Land Surveying on Selected Schools Sites and Preparation of School Site Development PlanSGODOPEN
9/15/2020DM 309 S 2020Reminders on the Online Submission of the Third Quarter Adopt-A-School Report Via DepEd Partnership Database System (DPDS)SGODOPEN
9/14/2020DM 308 S 2020Turn-Over Ceremony of Televisions and Robotics EquipmentSGODOPEN
9/14/2020DM 307 S 2020Corrigendum to the Division Memorandum No. 217, s. 2020 on Conduct of RPMS Performance Review and Evaluation of School Heads for School Year 2019-2020OASDSOPEN
9/9/2020DM 306 S 2020Face to Face Orientation on the Policy Guidelines for the Search for the Outstanding Teaching, Teaching-Related, Non-Teaching, Schools, Program Implementers, and School Division Offices OASDSOPEN
9/9/2020DM 305 S 2020Online National Training for Kindergarten Remote Teaching and Learning: Developmentally Appropriate Responses in the Time of Covid - 19CIDOPEN
9/8/2020DM 304 S 2020Addendum to the Division Memorandum No. 296 s, 2020 entitled 2020 National Drug Education Program (NDEP) Webinar SeriesSGODOPEN
9/7/2020DM 303 S 2020Series of Online Training Programs and Orientation of General Education and SPED Teachers, Parents of Learners with Disabilities, School Heads and Supervisors on Inclusive Education in the New NormalCIDOPEN
9/7/2020DM 302 S 2020MOOE Downloading Day for the Month of September 2020ACCOUNTINGOPEN
9/4/2020DM 301 S 2020Updates on the Online Submission of Electronic Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (e-IPCRF) of TeachersOASDSOPEN
9/4/2020DM 300 S 2020Addendum to the Division Memorandum No. 296 s, 2020 entitled "2020 National Drug Education Program (NDEP) Webinar SeriesSGODOPEN
9/4/2020DM 299 S 2020Simulation of Modular Learning Delivery ModalityCIDOPEN
9/3/2020DM 298 S 2020Organizational and Mobilization of Composite Teams in Local Government Units for Community Mitigation of Covid 19SGODOPEN
9/3/2020DM 297 S 2020Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 278 s, 2020, entitled Continuation of Module Writing and Quality Assurance of Self Learning Modules and Video Recording and Editing in Kindergarten and Grade 1 Lessons on the Remaining Most Essential Learning CompetenciesCIDOPEN
9/2/2020DM 296 S 20202020 National Drug Education Program (NDEP) Webinar SeriesSGODOPEN
9/1/2020DM 295 S 2020Addendum/Corregindum to the Division Memorandum No. 278, s. 2020 entitled "Continuation of Module Writing and Quality Assurance of Self-Learning Modules and Video Recording and Editing in Kindergarten and Grade 1 Lessons on the Remaining Most Essential Learning Competencies" CIDOPEN
9/1/2020DM 294 S 2020Senior High School Conference on the Guidelines for Work Immersion Implementation during Crisis SituationCIDOPEN
8/28/2020DM 293 S 2020Reconstitution of Division Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE) CommitteeOASDSOPEN
8/28/2020DM 292 S 2020Orientation on Pivot School Attendance Messaging - Facebook Messaging SystemSGODOPEN
8/28/2020DM 291 S 202032nd Mathematical Sciences WeekCIDOPEN
8/28/2020DM 290 S 2020Special Meeting for All Public Schools District Supervisors and School Heads of the Division of Siquijor Re: Plotting of Newly Hired Teachers for SY 2020-2021OASDSOPEN
8/27/2020DM 289 S 2020Designation of Division Background Investigation TeamOASDSOPEN
8/26/2020DM 288 S 2020Submission of Itinerary of Travel (Appendix 45 and 47)ACCOUNTINGOPEN
8/25/2020DM 287 S 2020Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 266, s. 2020 entitled " Virtual Seminar of Public School Teachers on Distance Learning Delivery Modality and Psychosocial Support for Learners in the New Normal"SGODOPEN
8/25/2020DM 286 S 2020Corregindum to the Division Memorandum No. 278, s. 2020 entitled "Continuation of Module Writing and Quality Assurance of Self-Learning Modules and Video Recording and Editing in Kindergarten and Grade 1 Lessons on the Remaining Most Essential Learning Competencies" CIDOPEN
8/25/2020DM 285 S 2020Brigada Eskwela Partnership Webinar Series #2 for Parents and Teachers in a Home-Based Learning SettingSGODOPEN
8/24/2020DM 284 S 2020School-to-School Training on the 2020 Online and Self-Guided Psychological First Aid (PFA) Modules for Public School TeachersSGODOPEN
8/24/2020DM 283 S 2020National Teachers and Employees Cooperative Bank (NETCB) "Project Equip Salary Loan"SGODOPEN
8/20/2020DM 282 S 2020Orientation on Studio Set - Up for DepEd TVICTUOPEN
8/20/2020DM 281 S 2020Series of Meeting for Screening Process and Hiring Guidelines of Master Teachers in the Division of SiquijorOASDSOPEN
8/19/2020DM 280 S 2020Announcement of Vacant Position in the Division of SiquijorADMINOPEN
8/17/2020DM 279 S 2020Conference of Teacher Demonstrators in Kindergarten and Grade 1, Videographers, Video Editors and Selected Education Program SupervisorsCIDOPEN
8/17/2020DM 278 S 2020Continuation of Module Writing and Quality Assurance of Self Learning Modules and Video Recording and Editing in Kindergarten and Grade 1 Lessons on the Remaining Most Essential Learning CompetenciesCIDOPEN
8/13/2020DM 277 S 2020Monitoring of Schools in the Implementation of Modular Learning Delivery and their Preparedness in a Limited Face-to-Face ScenarioSGODOPEN
8/12/2020DM 276 S 2020National Teachers and Employees Cooperative Bank (NETCB) "Project Equip Salary Loan"SGODOPEN
8/12/2020DM 275 S 2020Midyear DRRM Assessment/Evaluation CUM Planning/Workshop (Contingency Planning)SGODOPEN
8/11/2020DM 274 S 2020International Integrated Research Conference 2020SGODOPEN
8/11/2020DM 273 S 2020Submission of ESB Flash Drives for Self-Learning Modules and Video Learning LessonsLRMDOPEN
8/10/2020DM 272 S 2020Monitoring and Evaluation of the Learning Delivery Modality ImplementationCIDOPEN
8/10/2020DM 271 S 2020Worldclass Online AcademySGODOPEN
8/10/2020DM 270 S 2020Announcement of Winners for the Asia-Pacific Centre for Education for International Understanding's (APCEIU) Challenge for the 2020 Sharing of Asia-Pacific Education Movements (SSAEM) Online ConferenceSGODOPEN
8/10/2020DM 269 S 2020Contest and Webshop on Letter Writing for Tobacco ControlCIDOPEN
8/10/2020DM 268 S 2020Buwan ng Wikang Pambansa 2020CIDOPEN
8/10/2020DM 267 S 2020Roles and Responsibilities of School Heads, Teachers, Parents/Guardians and Learners in the Implementation of Modular Mode of InstructionCIDOPEN
8/10/2020DM 266 S 2020Virtual Seminar of Public School Teachers on Distance Learning Delivery Modality and Psychosocial Support for Learners in the New NormalCIDOPEN
8/10/2020DM 265 S 2020Critiquing/Final Submission of Modules to the Selected Teachers Handling Elective Subjects Offered in the Special Science Curriculum for both Public Elementary and Secondary SchoolsCIDOPEN
8/7/2020DM 264 S 2020RAFI Center for Leaders Youth Engagement ActivitiesSGODOPEN
8/7/2020DM 263 S 2020Submission of Dry-Run Report, Photos, Videos and Press ReleasesLRMDOPEN
8/7/2020DM 262 S 2020Division-Wide Distribution of Vegetable SeedsCIDOPEN
8/4/2020DM 261 S 2020Clustered Face-to-Face Orientation of Kindergarten Teachers on Kindergarten Learning Experience Packets (KLEP) and Workshop on the Production of Support Instructional MaterialsCIDOPEN
8/4/2020DM 260 S 2020Uploading of Teachers' SY 2019 - 2020 e-IPCRF File in the Data Submission SystemSGODOPEN
8/4/2020DM 259 S 2020Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 232, s. 2020 Re: Conduct of Video Shoot of Selected Key 1 TeachersCIDOPEN
7/30/2020DM 258 S 2020MOOE Downloading Day for the Months of July and August 2020ACCOUNTINGOPEN
7/29/2020DM 257 S 2020List of Social Media Pages Managed by SchoolsCIDOPEN
7/29/2020DM 256 S 2020Guidelines for the Video Documentation Protocols and template of the Department of Education Regional Office VIICIDOPEN
7/29/2020DM 255 S 2020Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 232, s. 2020 Re: Conduct of Video Shoot of Selected Key 1 TeachersCIDOPEN
7/29/2020DM 254 S 2020Suggested Strategies in Implementating Distance Learning Delivery Modalities (DLDM) for School Year 2020-2021CIDOPEN
7/28/2020DM 253 S 2020Announcement of Various Vacant Positions in the Division of SiquijorADMINOPEN
7/28/2020DM 252 S 2020Abutin NA10 Campaign ProjectSGODOPEN
7/27/2020DM 251 S 2020Announcement of Vacant Position in the Division of SiquijorADMINOPEN
7/27/2020DM 250 S 2020Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 223, s. 2020, entitled "Face to Face Quality Assurance of K to 12 Learning Modules Intended for Quarter 1 of SY 2020-2021"LRMDOPEN
7/27/2020DM 249 S 2020Addendum/Corrigendum to Division Memorandum No. 232 Re: Conduct of Video Shoot of Selected Key Stage I TeachersCIDOPEN
7/27/2020DM 248 S 2020Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 235 Re: Dry Run/Simulation of Self-Learning ModulesCIDOPEN
7/22/2020DM 247 S 2020Dissemination of Regional Memorandum No. 0370, s. 2020 entitled "Online Parental Support Intervention on Effective Parenting in the Midst of Covid-19 (Gabay Bahay: An Online Parenting Series for Parents and Caregivers of Learners"SGODOPEN
7/22/2020DM 246 S 2020Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 230, s. 2020 Re: Orientation on Portfolio Assessment and Aert RegistrationCIDOPEN
7/21/2020DM 245 S 2020Special Orientation/Writeshop to Selected Teachers as Module Writers of Grades 1-3 Math, Science and Araling Panlipunan in the Special Science CurriculumCIDOPEN
7/17/2020DM 244 S 2020Face to Face Clustered Division Consultative ConferenceLRMDOPEN
7/16/2020DM 243 S 2020Webinar on Edmodo and Google Classroom SimulationICTUOPEN
7/16/2020DM 242 S 2020Posting of the Registry of Qualified Applicants (RQA) for Teacher Positions of the Division of SiquijorOASDSOPEN
7/16/2020DM 241 S 2020Dissemination of DepEd Task Force Covid-19 Memorandum No. 62, s. 2020 entitled "Online Trainings of Secondary Teachers, School Heads and Divisions Non-Teaching Personnel on the Provision of Psychological First Aid (PFA) to Learners using the Sees Manual, Supplemental Modules and Guidance Notes for Online and Remote PFA Delivery"SGODOPEN
7/15/2020DM 240 S 2020Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 237, s. 2020 dated July 13, 2020 "Division Basic Education-Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) Advocacy Under the New Normal"SGODOPEN
7/15/2020DM 239 S 2020Addendum/Corregindum to Division Memorandum No. 224, s. 2020 entitled "Special Orientation to Selected Teachers as Module Writers of the Elective Subjects Offered in the Special Science Program/Science Curriculum"CIDOPEN
7/13/2020DM 238 S 2020Submission of Letter of Recommendation of Designated School Property Custodian and School ICT CoordinatorSUPPLY/ICTUOPEN
7/13/2020DM 237 S 2020Division Basic Education-Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) Advocacy Under the New NormalSGODOPEN
7/13/2020DM 236 S 2020Reiteration of Regional Memorandum No. 0352, s. 2020 "Virtual Research O'Clock on Learning Continuity"SGODOPEN
7/10/2020DM 235 S 2020Dry Run / Simulation of Self-Learning ModulesCIDOPEN
7/10/2020DM 234 S 2020Postponement of the Year-End Assessment of SchoolHeads OPCRF for School Year 2019-2020OASDSOPEN
7/10/2020DM 233 S 2020Submission of Recent Tax Declaration/s of School SitesLEGALOPEN
7/10/2020DM 232 S 2020Conduct of Video Shoot of Selected Key Stage I TeachersCIDOPEN
7/8/2020DM 231 S 2020Dissemination of the Multigrade Program in Philippine Education Research Publications and VideosSGODOPEN
7/6/2020DM 230 S 2020Orientation on Portfolio Assessment and Aert RegistrationCIDOPEN
7/3/2020DM 229 S 2020Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 223 dated July 1, 2020 entitled "Face to Face Quality Assurance of K to 12 Learning Modules Intended for Quarter 1 of SY 2020-2021"CIDOPEN
7/3/2020DM 228 S 2020Arczone Professional Development Inc. Series of WebinarsSGODOPEN
7/3/2020DM 227 S 2020Updates on the Results-Based Performance Management System for School Years 2019-2020 and 2021-2022SGODOPEN
7/3/2020DM 226 S 2020Adaption of the national Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) Interim StructureSGODOPEN
7/3/2020DM 224 S 2020Special Orientation to Selected Teachers as Module Writers of the Elective Subjects Offered in the Special Science Program/Science CurriculumCIDOPEN
7/1/2020DM 223 S 2020Face to Face Quality Assurance of K to 12 Learning Modules Intended for Quarter 1 of SY 2020-2021CIDOPEN
6/30/2020DM 222 S 2020Planning Conference of Selected Teachers and PersonnelCIDOPEN
6/30/2020DM 221 S 2020Submission of Work Arrangement in SchoolsADMINOPEN
6/30/2020DM 220 S 2020Submission of CSC Forms 48 Daily Time RecordADMINOPEN
6/30/2020DM 219 S 2020Special Conference to all School Administrators/Principals Offering Special Science CurriculumCIDOPEN
6/29/2020DM 218 S 2020Guidelines for Work Immersion Implementation During Crisis SituationCIDOPEN
6/29/2020DM 217 S 2020Conduct of RPMS Performance Review and Evaluation of School Heads for School Year 2019-2020OASDSOPEN
6/26/2020DM 216 S 2020Awarding of Winners in the Gulayan sa Paaralan Program (GPP) for School Year 2019-2020CIDOPEN
6/23/2020DM 215 S 2020Conduct of Graduation Rites during the COVID-19 PandemicSGODOPEN
6/23/2020DM 214 S 2020Department of Science and Technology - Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI) Undergraduate Scholarship for SY 2021-2022SGODOPEN
6/23/2020DM 213 S 2020Readiness Assessment Checklist for Learning Delivery Modalities in the Learning Continuity Plan of Private SchoolsSGODOPEN
6/23/2020DM 212 S 2020Teleconference of Module WritersCIDOPEN
6/22/2020DM 211 S 2020Revised Guidelines on Alternative Work ArrangementsADMINOPEN
6/19/2020DM 210 S 2020MOOE Downloading Day for the Month of June 2020ACCOUNTINGOPEN
6/18/2020DM 209 S 2020DepEd Region 7 New Normal Health Guidelines Upon Returning to Work/SchoolHNUOPEN
6/16/2020DM 208 S 2020Webinar and Home-Based Writeshop on Module Writing to Identified Elementary and Secondary TeachersCIDOPEN
6/15/2020DM 207 S 2020Conduct of the Regional Examination for the Incoming Grade 7 and Grade 11 Students of Siquijor Provincial Science High SchoolCIDOPEN
6/15/2020DM 206 S 2020Minimum Specifications for ICT Equipment and Internet Services to be Donated to Schools, Teachers and or Learners, Microsoft Licensing, and Donation MattersSGODOPEN
6/15/2020DM 205 S 2020National ICT Month - Digital Poster Making ContestICTUOPEN
6/11/2020DM 204 S 2020Announcement of the 2020 Brigada Eskwela Jingle Contest National and Regional WinnersSGODOPEN
6/11/2020DM 203 S 2020Follow Up Webinar of EPP, TLE, and TVL Module Writes and Senior High School AdministratorsCIDOPEN
6/10/2020DM 202 S 2020Advisory on the Extension of DepEd Memorandum No. 054 s, 2020 (Reiteration of Advisory on Work Arrangements in the Department of Education in light of Recent Development in the COVID-19 Situation)ADMINOPEN
6/9/2020DM 201 S 2020Directives on the Reporting of Teachers in Schools for the Month of JuneCIDOPEN
6/8/2020DM 200 S 2020Online Conference of Kindergarten TeachersCIDOPEN
6/8/2020DM 199 S 2020Inventory of Available Learner and Teacher Learning ResourcesCIDOPEN
6/8/2020DM 198 S 2020Submission of Updated List of Elementary and Secondary School TeachersCIDOPEN
6/3/2020DM 197 S 2020Dissemination and Adoption of the Theme of the World No Tobacco Day 2020 for the National No Smoking MonthHNUOPEN
6/3/2020DM 196 S 2020Reading Exhibit OnlineCIDOPEN
6/3/2020DM 195 S 2020Corrigendum/Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 174 s, 2020 entitled "Webinar and Homebased Writeshop on Module Writing to Selected Elementary and Secondary Teachers"CIDOPEN
6/1/2020DM 194 S 20202020 Brigada Eskwela Regional Implementing GuidelinesSGODOPEN
6/1/2020DM 193 S 2020Orientation on 2020 Brigada Eskwela Guidelines (In The Context of the New Normal)SGODOPEN
6/1/2020DM 192 S 2020Observance of Stringent Social Distancing and Compliance to Health Protocols During Covid-19 PandemicADMINOPEN
5/29/2020DM 191 S 2020Guidelines on Enrollment for School Year 2020-2021 in the Context of the Public Health Emergency Due to Covid-19SGODOPEN
5/27/2020DM 190 S 2020Regional Qualifying Examination for Incoming Grade Seven (7) Students in Candaping NHS, Campalanas NHS and Catulayan NHS, and Incoming Grade One (1) Pupils in Cang-alwang ES Special Science Classes Offering for School Year 2020-2021CIDOPEN
5/27/2020DM 189 S 2020Status on the Utilization of DepEd CommonsICTUOPEN
5/27/2020DM 188 S 2020Protocols in the Opening of Classes for Private Schools in Region VIISGODOPEN
5/21/2020DM 187 S 2020MOOE Downloading Day for the Month of May 2020ACCOUNTINGOPEN
5/20/2020DM 186 S 2020Corrigendum to the Division Memorandum No. 172, s. 2020 on Schedules of Screening Procedures for Teacher I Applicants of the Division of Siquijor for SY 2020-2021OASDSOPEN
5/19/2020DM 185 S 2020Consultative Conference of Selected Grades 1-3 TeachersCIDOPEN
5/19/2020DM 184 S 2020DepEd Professional Development Priorities for Teachers and School Leaders for School Year 2020-2023SGODOPEN
5/19/2020DM 183 S 2020New Schedule on the Conduct of Physical Count (Inventory of School Properties)SUPPLYOPEN
5/19/2020DM 182 S 2020Guidelines on Webinar SessionsSGODOPEN
5/18/2020DM 181 S 2020School Calendar and Activities for School Year 2020 - 2021SGODOPEN
5/18/2020DM 180 S 2020Addendum/Corrigendum to the Divison Memorandum No.174, s. 2020 entitled "Webinar and Home-Based Writeshop on Module Writing to Selected Elementary and Secondary TeachersCIDOPEN
5/18/2020DM 179 S 2020Addendum/Corrigendum to the Divison Memorandum No. 169, s. 2020 entitled "Conference Call of Selected Teachers on the Inventory of Available Materials Based on the Identified Essential Learning Competencies"CIDOPEN
5/15/2020DM 178 S 2020Wearing of Smart Casual Attire and Office ID in the WorkplaceADMINOPEN
5/14/2020DM 177 S 2020Corrigendum/Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 174 s, 2020 entitled "Webinar and Homebased Writeshop on Module Writing to Selected Elementary and Secondary Teachers"CIDOPEN
5/14/2020DM 176 S 2020Addendum/Corrigendum to the Division Memorandum No. 17, s. 2020 entitled "Division Selection Committees for the Screening of Teacher I Applicants in Elementary and Secondary Schools"OASDSOPEN
5/13/2020DM 175 S 2020Development of Contextualized Story Books for K to 3 LearnersCIDOPEN
5/13/2020DM 174 S 2020Webinar and Home-Based Writeshop on Module Writing to Selected Elementary and Secondary TeachersCIDOPEN
5/13/2020DM 173 S 20202020 Webinar on Blended Learning Modalities for Education Program Supervisors, Public Schools District Supervisors, Elementary and Secondary Schools Principals, Head Teachers, Teacher-In-Charge, Master Teachers and Selected TeachersSGODOPEN
5/11/2020DM 172 S 2020Addendum/Corrigendum to the Division Memoranda Nos. 10-11, s. 2020 entitled "Screening of Applicants for Kindergarten, Elementary, Junior and Senior High School Teacher I Positions for SY 2020-2021OASDSOPEN
5/11/2020DM 171 S 2020ICTS-Education Technology Unit may 2020 WebinarsICTUOPEN
5/5/2020DM 170 S 2020Issuance of Inventory Custodian Slip (ICS) and Property Acknowledgement Receipt (PAR) of Properties Issued to Teachers during the COVID-19 PandemicSUPPLYOPEN
5/5/2020DM 169 S 2020Conference Call of Selected Teachers on the Inventory of Available Materials Based on the Identified Essential Learning CompetenciesCIDOPEN
5/5/2020DM 168 S 2020Guidelines on the Use of Desktop Computers, Laptops, Tablet PC's, and Smartphones at Home during the COVID-19 PandemicICTUOPEN
5/5/2020DM 167 S 2020Survey of School Head's Preference on Classroom InstructionCIDOPEN
4/29/2020DM 166 S 2020DepEd RO7 Info-Text System and DepEd RO7 Online HelpdeskICTUOPEN
4/23/2020DM 165 S 2020Clarification on GSIS ConcernsADMINOPEN
4/22/2020DM 164 S 2020Planning Conference for the Organization of the Webinar for TeachersSGODOPEN
4/22/2020DM 163 S 2020MOOE Downloading Day for the Month of April 2020ACCOUNTINGOPEN
4/14/2020DM 162 S 2020Corrigendum to Division Memorandum No. 122, s. 2020 entitled "Workshop in Crafting Oral-Mental Word Problems in Math"CIDOPEN
4/6/2020DM 161 S 2020Registration of Single Source of Truth at the School levelCIDOPEN
4/2/2020DM 160 S 2020Schedule for General Cleaning and Disinfection of DepEd OfficesHNUOPEN
4/2/2020DM 159 S 2020Release of Salaries of Teaching and Non-Teaching Personnel while Community Quarantine in some of the Places in Region VII is Still EnforcedCIDOPEN
4/2/2020DM 158 S 2020Deferment on the Distribution of pay Slips for the Months of March and April 2020ADMINOPEN
3/31/2020DM 157 S 2020Cancellation of Tag Awards for Outstanding StudentsCIDOPEN
3/31/2020DM 156 S 202039th Principals' Training and Development Program and National Board ConferenceSGODOPEN
3/31/2020DM 155 S 2020Graduate Diploma in Teaching the Arts (GDTA)SGODOPEN
3/25/2020DM 154 S 2020Corrigendum/Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 121 s, 2020 entitled "Two-Day Writeshop on Test Item Construction for Geade One"CIDOPEN
3/25/2020DM 153 S 2020Third Quarter Mathematics Learning Competencies AuditCIDOPEN
3/24/2020DM 152 S 2020Data Gathering on School Sports Facilities for the School Sports Information Management SystemCIDOPEN
3/24/2020DM 151 S 2020Reiterating DepEd Advisory Dated March 20, 2020CIDOPEN
3/23/2020DM 150 S 2020Postponement of the Conduct of Annual Physical Count of School and Division Office PropertiesADMINOPEN
3/23/2020DM 149 S 2020Dissemination of the Regional Memorandum No. 190 s, 2020 entitled "Collaboration Tools, How To Videos and User GuidesICTUOPEN
3/19/2020DM 148 S 2020Guidelines on the Alternative Work Arrangements in the Department of Education in Light of the COVID-19 Stringent Social DistancingCIDOPEN
3/18/2020DM 147 S 2020Commendation to the Winner of the 2020 National Schools Press Conference (NSPC)CIDOPEN
3/18/2020DM 146 S 2020Home Quarantine Guidelines for Learners and DepEd Personnel from Affected Areas with Local TransmissionHNUOPEN
3/17/2020DM 145 S 2020Corrigendum to Division Memorandum No. 010 and 011, s. 2020 entitled "Screening of Applicants for Kindergarten, elementary, Junior High and Senior High School Teacher I Positions for SY 2020-2021CIDOPEN
3/17/2020DM 144 S 2020MOOE Downloading Day for the Month of March 2020ACCOUNTINGOPEN
3/17/2020DM 143 S 2020Additional COVID-19 Prevention Measures in DepEd OfficesSGODOPEN
3/17/2020DM 142 S 2020Dissemination of the Regional Memorandum No. 184 s, 2020 entitled "Guidelines Relative to the Conduct of the End-of-School-Year RitesCIDOPEN
3/17/2020DM 141 S 2020Guidelines, Schedule and Personnel Involved in the Physical Count (Inventory) of School PropertiesADMINOPEN
3/17/2020DM 140 S 2020Resolving Losses of Textbooks for CY 2019 and Prior YearsADMINOPEN
3/17/2020DM 139 S 2020Summer Institue in the Natural Sciences & Mathematics Training WorkshopCIDOPEN
3/17/2020DM 138 S 2020Performance Management Calendar For CY 2020 of the Division of SiquijorOASDSOPEN
3/17/2020DM 137 S 2020Submission of Soft Copy of School DiplomaCIDOPEN
3/17/2020DM 136 S 2020Adoption of Four-Day a Week Work Arrangements in Light of the Code Red Sublevel 2CIDOPEN
3/16/2020DM 135 S 2020Implementation of Four (4) Day Work WeekADMINOPEN
3/12/2020DM 133 S 2020Corrigendum #2 to Division Memorandum No. 073, S. 2020 Entitled Senior High School Advocacy SGODOPEN
3/12/2020DM 132 S 2020Strategic Research & Development Center, Inc. Seminar-WorkshopSGODOPEN
3/12/2020DM 131 S 20202020 Research O'ClockSGODOPEN
3/12/2020DM 130 S 2020The Training-Workshop on the Conduct of Scientific ResearchSGODOPEN
3/12/2020DM 129 S 2020Dissemination of Presidential Proclamation No. 922SGODOPEN
3/12/2020DM 128 S 2020Corrigendum/Addendum of Division Memorandum No. 059 s, 2020 "Administration of Special Science Class Qualifying Examination to Incoming Grades 1 and 7 Learners"CIDOPEN
3/11/2020DM 127 S 2020Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 073, S. 2020 Entitled "Senior High School Advocacy"CIDOPEN
3/10/2020DM 126 S 2020Administration of Post Assessment on Contextualizaed Multi-Factored Assessment Tool (C-Meat)SGODOPEN
3/10/2020DM 125 S 2020Emergency Procurement of Critical Logistics and Supplies in Relation to the COVID 2019 CrisisSGODOPEN
3/10/2020DM 124 S 2020Adopt-A-School Program/Brigada Eskwela Implementation Review and Planning ConferenceSGODOPEN
3/10/2020DM 123 S 2020Fifth Set of Policy Directives of Deped Task Force COVID-19SGODOPEN
3/10/2020DM 122 S 2020Workshop in Crafting Oral-Mental Word Problems in MathCIDOPEN
3/10/2020DM 121 S 2020Two-Day Writeshop on Test Item Construction for Geade OneCIDOPEN
3/10/2020DM 120 S 2020Preventive Actions to Stop the Transmission and Spread of the VirusHNUOPEN
3/10/2020DM 119 S 2020Schedule of the Division Checking of School FormsCIDOPEN
3/10/2020DM 118 S 2020Conduct of its 10th Summer Camp for KidsSGODOPEN
3/9/2020DM 117 S 2020Addendum/Corrigendum to the Division Memorandum No. 091, s. 2020 Entitled Personality Development and Gender Awareness Training for DepEd-Siquijor EmployeesSGODOPEN
3/9/2020DM 116 S 2020Administration of Various Exit Assessment (ELLNA, NAT Grade 6, and NAT Grade 10)CIDOPEN
3/6/2020DM 115 S 2020Pilot Testing of Test Items to Selected Schools in the DivisionCIDOPEN
3/3/2020DM 114 S 2020Chapterhouse International Training for Pedagogical AdvancementSGODOPEN
3/3/2020DM 113 S 20202020 Nomination for the Many Faces of the Teacher (TMFT) AwardSGODOPEN
3/3/2020DM 112 S 2020iLead Seminar WorkshopsSGODOPEN
3/2/2020DM 111 S 2020Data Collection on Trainings Attended by Teaching, Teaching-Related, and Non-Teaching PersonnelSGODOPEN
3/2/2020DM 110 S 2020Submission of Accomplished BIR Form 2316 (Certificate of Compensation Payment/Tax Withheld)ACCOUNTINGOPEN
3/2/2020DM 109 S 2020Call for Research Proposals for SY 2020-2021SGODOPEN
3/2/2020DM 108 S 2020Election of Division Federation SPG/SSG Officers & SPG/SSG Advisers and Preparation of Action Plan for SY 2020-2021SGODOPEN
3/2/2020DM 107 S 2020Corrigendum to Division Memorandum No. 073 s, 2020 entitled "Senior High School Advocacy"CIDOPEN
2/27/2020DM 106 S 2020Re-Orientation on DO 35 s. 2016: The Learning Action cell as a K to 12 Basic Education Program School-Based Continuing Professional Development Strategy for the Improvement of Teaching and LearningSGODOPEN
2/26/2020DM 105 S 2020Reiteration of Regional Memorandum No. 0073, s. 2020 dated January 31, 2020 Re: 1st Quarter National Simultaneous Earthquake DrillSGODOPEN
2/24/2020DM 104 S 2020Investment Scam AwarenessADMINOPEN
2/24/2020DM 103 S 2020Adolescent Health and Development Program (AHDP) Training Integration for Public and Private School Teachers Level I and Level IISGODOPEN
2/24/2020DM 102 S 2020Finalization of the Test Items for the Pilot TestingCIDOPEN
2/24/2020DM 101 S 2020Resetting the Schedule of Orientation on the Conduct of Validation Test of Kindergarten Learners on the Mastery of Letter Name, Letter Sound and Letter Writing of the AlphabetsCIDOPEN
2/21/2020DM 100 S 2020COVID 2019 Data GatheringHNUOPEN
2/20/2020DM 99 S 2020Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) Monitors During Training of AthletesCIDOPEN
2/20/2020DM 98 S 2020Development, Quality Assurance and Submission of Contextualized Text-Based Learning ResourcesCIDOPEN
2/20/2020DM 97 S 2020Submission of Accomplishment Reports on the Conduct of Orientation of School Quality Assurance Teams on QA Process of Localized and Contextualized Learning ResourcesCIDOPEN
2/20/2020DM 96 S 2020Division Conference of School Heads on Selected Pilot Schools on School-Based Management (SBM) ImplementationSGODOPEN
2/18/2020DM 95 S 2020Conduct of 3rd Quarter Division Monitoring Evaluation and Adjustment for the School Year 2019-2020SGODOPEN
2/18/2020DM 93 S 2020Administration of Early Childhood Development (ECD) Post AssessmentCIDOPEN
2/18/2020DM 92 S 2020Youth Conference for LifeSGODOPEN
2/17/2020DM 91 S 2020Personality Development and Gender Awareness Training for DepEd-Siquijor EmployeesSGODOPEN
2/17/2020DM 90 S 2020National Training-Workshop on Research Instrumentation (NTWRI) 2020SGODOPEN
2/17/2020DM 89 S 2020Second Set of Policy Directives of the DepEd Task Force NCOVHNUOPEN
2/17/2020DM 88 S 2020Endline Nutritional Status SY 2019-2020: Reassessment and Submission of ReportHNUOPEN
2/17/2020DM 87 S 2020Addendum/Corrigendum to Division No. 031, s. 2020 Entitled Training at Athletes for the 2020 CVRAA MeetCIDOPEN
2/14/2020DM 86 S 2020MOOE Downloading Day for the Month of February 2020ACCOUNTINGOPEN
2/13/2020DM 85 S 2020Administration of English Proficiency Test (EPT) to All Teacher Applicants in Kindergarten, Elementary, Junior and Senior High SchoolsCIDOPEN
2/13/2020DM 84 S 2020PW Free Training of Japanese Language Study and Japanese-Style Caregiving StudyCIDOPEN
2/13/2020DM 83 S 2020Corrigendum to Division Memorandum No. 052, s. 2020 Re: Orientation Seminar on RA 9482 "Anti-Rabies Act of 2007"SGODOPEN
2/12/2020DM 82 S 2020Orientation on Metrobank, Project W.A.T.C.H., Ulirang Guro, and CSC 2020 Search for Outstanding Government WorkersSGODOPEN
2/12/2020DM 81 S 2020The 2020 International Training and Conference of All Educational Leaders and TeachersSGODOPEN
2/12/2020DM 80 S 2020AGF Training Programs on Customer Service and ISP QMS AwarenessSGODOPEN
2/12/2020DM 79 S 2020CHRDF Professional Development ProgramsSGODOPEN
2/12/2020DM 78 S 2020Institute of Leaders in Educational Advancement and DevelopmentSGODOPEN
2/12/2020DM 77 S 2020HURIS Training ProgramSGODOPEN
2/12/2020DM 76 S 20202020 Mind Education Specialist Training AbroadSGODOPEN
2/12/2020DM 75 S 2020Affirm Online Seminar WorkshopSGODOPEN
2/12/2020DM 74 S 20202020 Brigada Eskwela Jingle ContestSGODOPEN
2/12/2020DM 73 S 2020Senior High School AdvocacyCIDOPEN
2/11/2020DM 72 S 2020Orientation on Test Construction and test Item AnalysisCIDOPEN
2/11/2020DM 71 S 2020Implementation on Daily Toothbrushing and Handwashing in SchoolsHNUOPEN
2/11/2020DM 70 S 202016th National Dental Health Month Celebration and AwarenessHNUOPEN
2/11/2020DM 69 S 2020Official Result of the 2019 Division Search for the Most Outstanding Gulayan sa Paaralan Program (GPP) ImplementersCIDOPEN
2/10/2020DM 68 S 2020VocTech Training ProgramsCIDOPEN
2/10/2020DM 67 S 2020Department of Education's Response on Health Problems due to Corona Virus and Re-Emergence of Polio in the PhilippinesHNUOPEN
2/10/2020DM 66 S 2020Conduct of Division Verification Test to All Kindergarten Learners on Mastery of Letter Name, Letter Sound and Letter Writing of the AlphabetCIDOPEN
2/10/2020DM 65 S 2020Result of the Division Level Spelling Contest for SY 2019-2020CIDOPEN
2/10/2020DM 64 S 2020Observance of Dress Code in the WorkplaceADMINOPEN
2/10/2020DM 63 S 2020Onine Submission of School-Based Feeding Program Terminal Report for FY 2019SGODOPEN
2/10/2020DM 62 S 2020Composition of the Schools Division Office Performance Management team (SDO PMT) and School Performance Management Team (School PMT)OSDSOPEN
2/10/2020DM 61 S 2020SEAMEO RELC Scholarship ProgrammeSGODOPEN
2/10/2020DM 60 S 2020SEAMEO QITEP Scholarship ProrammesSGODOPEN
2/10/2020DM 59 S 2020Administration of Special Science Class Qualifying Examination to Incoming Grades 1 and 7 LearnersOSDSOPEN
2/7/2020DM 58 S 2020(URGENT) Postponement of Athletes Training for the 2020 CVRAA MeetCIDOPEN
2/6/2020DM 57 S 2020Reiteration of DepEd Memorandum No. 015, s. 2020 dated February 4, 2020 Re: First Set of Policy Directives of the DepEd Task Force NCOVHNUOPEN
2/5/2020DM 56 S 2020Advisory in Response to the Ongoing Novel Coronavirus (nCOV) Matter, Division Task Force for nCOV, Current Situation, Information and its Preventive MeasuresHNUOPEN
2/4/2020DM 55 S 2020Designation of Selected Kindergarten Teachers as District Kindergarten CoordinatorCIDOPEN
2/3/2020DM 54 S 2020Urgent MeetingSGODOPEN
2/3/2020DM 53 S 2020Synchronized Supreme Pupil Government and Supreme Student Government Elections for School Year 2020-2021SGODOPEN
2/3/2020DM 52 S 2020Orientation Seminar on RA 9482 "Anti-Rabies Act of 2007"HNUOPEN
1/31/2020DM 51 S 2020Prevention of Corona VirusHNUOPEN
1/29/2020DM 50 S 2020Addendum/Corrigendum to the Division Memorandum No. 011, s. 2020 Entitled "Screening of Applicants for Senior High School Teacher I Positions for SY 2020-2021"OASDSOPEN
1/28/2020DM 49 S 2020Corrigendum to Division Memorandum No. 035, s. 2020 Re: Schedule in the Conduct of the Division Monitoring Evaluation and Adjustment (DMEA) for the 2nd Quarter of the School Year 2019-2020SGODOPEN
1/28/2020DM 48 S 2020Early Registration for SY 2020-2021SGODOPEN
1/27/2020DM 47 S 2020Policy on the Use of Office Equipment and FacilitiesADMINOPEN
1/27/2020DM 46 S 2020Unlocking Finland Math SeminarCIDOPEN
1/27/2020DM 45 S 2020Addendum/Corrigendum to the Division Memorandum No. 042, s. 2020 Entitled "System Orientation and Data Validation for the National School Building Inventory (NSBI) for SY 2019-2020"SGODOPEN
1/24/2020DM 44 S 2020Continuation of January 2020 Downloading Day and Pre-Evaluation of 2019 and Drafting of 2020 Individual Performance Commitment and review Form (IPCRF) of Administrative Assistants II and IIIACCOUNTINGOPEN
1/24/2020DM 43 S 2020Designation of Division Field Technical Assistance TeamsOASDSOPEN
1/23/2020DM 42 S 2020System Orientation and Data Validation for the National School Building Inventory (NSBI) for SY 2019-2020SGODOPEN
1/23/2020DM 41 S 2020Three Acts of Goodness AwardsCIDOPEN
1/23/2020DM 40 S 2020Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 026, s. 2020 Entitled Measurement of CVIRAA UniformCIDOPEN
1/23/2020DM 39 S 2020Joint Delivery Voucher Program - TVL Culmination ActivityCIDOPEN
1/23/2020DM 38 S 2020Meeting of Coaches, Division Screening Accreditation Committee Members (DSAC), EPS MAPEH AND SPEDCIDOPEN
1/23/2020DM 37 S 20202020 Simultaneous Kawan/Langkay/Twinklers/Star and BSP/GSP District EncampmentSGODOPEN
1/23/2020DM 36 S 2020Proper Utilization of Delivered Laptops Intended for k to 3 Classes and Laptops included in the DepEd Computerization Program (DCP) PackagesICTUOPEN
1/23/2020DM 35 S 2020New Schedule in the Conduct of the Division Monitoring Evaluation and Adjustment (DMEA) for the 2nd Quarter of the School Year 2019-2020SGODOPEN
1/23/2020DM 34 S 2020Result of the 2020 Metrobank-MTAP-DepEd Math Challenge (MMC) Elimination Round and Conduct of Division Team oralsCIDOPEN
1/23/2020DM 33 S 2020Conduct of Division Spelling Contest for School Year 2019-2020CIDOPEN
1/23/2020DM 32 S 2020Financial Assistance to Region IV-A (Calabarzon) (Victims of Eruption of Taal Volcano)SGODOPEN
1/21/2020DM 31 S 2020Training of Athletes for the 2020 CVRAA MeetCIDOPEN
1/21/2020DM 30 S 2020MOOE Downloading Day for the Month of January 2020ACCOUNTINGOPEN
1/21/2020DM 29 S 2020Implementers Meeting on the Guidelines on the Implementation of school-Based Feeding Program - Milk Feeding Program ComponentSGODOPEN
1/21/2020DM 28 S 2020Committee Meeting of Chairpersons and Members for the 2020 CVRAA MeetCIDOPEN
1/16/2020DM 27 S 2020Meeting of Selected Winning CoachesOSDSOPEN
1/16/2020DM 26 S 2020Measurement of CVRAA UniformCIDOPEN
1/16/2020DM 25 S 2020SEAMEO VocTech Regional Center for Special Education (SEN)SGODOPEN
1/16/2020DM 24 S 2020Meeting of Chairman of the Different committeess for the 2020 CVRAA MeetCIDOPEN
1/16/2020DM 23 S 2020Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) and Action Plan WriteshopSGODOPEN
1/13/2020DM 22 S 2020Announcing the Qualified Athletes, Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Trainers, Chaperon and Working Committees of the CVRAA Sports Meet 2020CIDOPEN
1/13/2020DM 20 S 2020Division Monitors During the Distribution of Cards for the Third QuarterSGODOPEN
1/10/2020DM 19 S 2020Masakbayan Ti Ubbing, Inc. 1st National Essay Writing ContestCIDOPEN
1/9/2020DM 18 S 2020Year-End Performance Evaluation for Division PersonnelOASDSOPEN
1/9/2020DM 17 S 2020Division Selection Committees for the Screening of Teacher I Applicants in Elementary and Secondary SchoolsOASDSOPEN
1/8/2020DM 16 S 2020Monthly Accomplishment Report Template for Division Chiefs, Education Program Supervisors and Specialists, Public Schools District Supervisors and School HeadsOASDSOPEN
1/8/2020DM 15 S 2020Orientation on the Guidelines in the Deployment of Pre-Service Teachers on Experiential Learning: Field Study and Practice Teaching to Elementary and Secondary Laboratory School Principals, Head Teachers, Heads of Teacher Education Institutions, and Student TeachersSGODOPEN
1/7/2020DM 14 S 2020Deworming Month January 2020 (2nd Round SY 2019-2020)SGODOPEN
1/7/2020DM 13 S 2020Division Education Development Plan (DEDP) Review and UpdateSGODOPEN
1/7/2020DM 12 S 2020Directors of Vocations in the Philippines (Cebu Chapter) - Central Vocation JamboreeSGODOPEN
1/7/2020DM 11 S 2020Screening of Applicants for Senior High School Teacher I Positions for SY 2020-2021ADMINOPEN
1/7/2020DM 10 S 2020Screening of Applicants for Kindergarten/Elementary and Junior High School Teacher I Positions for SY 2020-2021ADMINOPEN
1/6/2020DM 9 S 2020Submission of Schools' Contingency Plans for 2020SGODOPEN
1/6/2020DM 8 S 2020Implementation of the Weekly Iron Folic Acid (WIFA) Supplementation for Female Learners of grade 7-12 and Alternative Learning System (ALS)SGODOPEN
1/3/2020DM 7 S 2020Comprehensive Training-Workshop on the Conduct of Scientific ResearchSGODOPEN
1/3/2020DM 6 S 2020Series of Trainings on Qualitative Research for 2020 in Cebu CitySGODOPEN
1/3/2020DM 5 S 2020Training - Workshop on the Classroom Test ConstructionCIDOPEN
1/2/2020DM 4 S 2020Seminar-Workshops of Center for Professional Advancement of EducatorsCIDOPEN
1/2/2020DM 3 S 2020Conference of Education/Public Schools District Supervisors, Senior High School Administrators, JDVP-TVL Partners and School JDVP CoordinatorsCIDOPEN
1/2/2020DM 1 S 20202020 Metrobank - MTAP - DepEd Math Challenge (MMC) - Elimination RoundCIDOPEN